Nuestra Historia

"My husband said one day, "Honey, get your things together. We are going to Cuba." [Lady Preacher" p. 166]

Dios había puesto en el corazón de los misioneros Sidney y Helen Correll el llamado de llevar el evangelio a algún lugar poco evangelizado de Cuba. Estando en la isla, Ralph Correll, padre de Sidney Correll, quería ayudar con la misión, alquiló un caballo y tomó rumbo a Cabañas, zona que le habían recomendado otros misioneros. "Papá Correll", como le llamaban, pidió al Señor que le mostrara el lugar más apropiado para construir el seminario bíblico. Después de mucho andar a caballo se detuvo justo en la loma que lleva hoy por nombre: "la loma de Rafael". Cuando Papá Correll descendió del caballo, dio gracias a Dios y exclamó: "¡Sin duda, este es el lugar que Dios ha escogido para que construyamos el Seminario!"

"Dad and Mother Correll arrived in May of 1943, but the next January, Dad started on a special mission. Sidney realized that one of the most important things they needed to do in Cuba was to establish a Bible Seminary..."

"He (Dad Correll) rode to a high hill overlooking the country side...He got off his horse, kneeled down and asked the Heavenly Father to give us a missionary farm in that community for His glory."


                    [Lady Preacher, p. 169;170]

"In May, my husband ( Sidney Correll) went to Cuba and brought with him our very dear friend...Walter Block. In the meantime, Dad had found the farm the Lord wanted us to have and, with the financial help from our friend, the farm was quickly purchased."


[Laydy Preacher, p.170]

"...during the next twenty years, the Lord gave us a harvest of souls. Only eternity will reveal the labor of love, the seed sowing and the soul winning through the dedicated lives of the missionaries...

Then came the revolution...

How often I heard Maxine describe, with tears, how difficult it was to choose what were the most important items to take after eighteen years of calling Cuban home."

[Lady Preacher, p.171]